
5 Game Reviews w/ Response

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LOL When I typed "eat cereal" it gave me the derp!

What an innovative idea of turning the stupidest lyrics in existance into an almighty quest to get to the friggin bus stop! The deaths were rediculous, but funny. Your 8-bit version of Friday is so much better than the original.

thinking-man responds:

It isn't mine. I got permission from Arman Bohn, who made it.

Good one!

Simple, clever and the medals are fairly easy to achieve. Thanks for making 3 different endings unlike other choose your adventures games that forces you to restart from the beginning. I like the fail that says, "It's just a regular backpack. Don't assume!" Lol I got up to 15 fails just for the heck of it! And yes, the secret medal was very sneaky indeed until the guy below me gave it away D:

PuffballsUnited responds:

:\ I know. I don't tell anyone what the medals are.

I like it!

A good tribute, but it doesn't beat the originals. I think the "guess the combination"
one was clever! Keep up the great work!

magumanu responds:

Thank you.

Awesome Artwork!

Okay, the drawings were all outstanding, but it didn't really feel like a game. It was more of an "interactive flash'. The medals made it more encouraging to view all of it. Overall, it was programmed well, no glitches, awesome artwork and easy to earn medals. Next time, change it up to make it a game while still including the art.

JKAmovies responds:

I'll keep that in mind for next year ;)


Not Bad

I actually thought it was pretty good. The thing I don't like though is that you have to search in the dark. Also, make the direction arrows more noticeable or people will get stuck in the game and think its "broken". After I heard the footsteps, I closed the game..got slightly scared :( Anyways..I think its a good start and next time, improve on the graphics and the concept. In games like these, you should be able to take things and use them later. So overall, it's a game that will lead to something.

RamenEezGood responds:

thanks a lot. :) i'll consider the inventory thing the nxt time. Not sure if I can, but I'll try XD.

Hello there :D One day, when I don't feel like a lazy bastard, I will make something brillaint and it will become the next hit on NG...you just wait....


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