Haha awesome!
Great animation, catchy song and hilarious content..what else is there to say?
Except for...don't EVER let Mario be your doctor or he'll diagnose you with HPV lol.
Haha awesome!
Great animation, catchy song and hilarious content..what else is there to say?
Except for...don't EVER let Mario be your doctor or he'll diagnose you with HPV lol.
Awesome work like the past episodes!
Wow, these Jerry episodes have gotten better and better! I'm confused, so practically, his whole life was just a dream? But that doesn't matter, because I definitely prefer this ending over him hanging himself o.o Anyways, your content is always skillfully portrayed. The way you depict life in your flashes are really realistic, yet funny at the same time. Anyways, keep up the amazing work! Overall, this was a perfect ending for the perfect series :D
So True...
Personally, I thought it was great! And if people are complaining that there isn't any action, well not every flash needs to have ACTION. Your flash had some hilarious CONTENT and that's good enough :) The graphics were amazing and so were the sounds and voices. To be honest, I didn't understand everything that they said, but the "sharing your boringness through the internet" thing was right on the money. People write the most pathetic tweets like "I hate my dad. He is bitch." Anyways, sorry for spaming. You did an awesome job! XD
This is the first time I watched a C&H short, and I love it! It had life lessons and deep emotion, but not TOO much. You found the perfect balance of drama and humour. And what's funny is that this all happened from waiting for a bus! Top job!
I actually LOL!! Your stuff never fails to make me laugh. I like how all the kids are outstandingly retarded and stupid..just like how 3rd grade plays used to be at my school :D And amazing work on the voices. You can make so many different characters! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to watch this AGAIN.
That was pretty funny, especially at the "pervert" part. The animation was good and the humour was tops. I think it would be better if the "screen" was bigger, but never listen to me :P Anyways, keep up the great work!
p.s I just noticed that this is from 2002 which earns you extra points
Messed up, bloody and abstract...my kind of taste :D I watched this quite a while ago, but never got the chance to review it. I like your art style a lot and Salad Fingers is quite the character. It's just entertaining to watch :)
This has got to be one of the best flashes I've ever seen! I like, no LOVE your character designs and art style-modern and fresh. The voice acting was spot on and the storyline was pretty good, not something that seems completely random.
I can expect this to turn out into an epic movie :D Keep up the beastly work!
Hello there :D One day, when I don't feel like a lazy bastard, I will make something brillaint and it will become the next hit on NG...you just wait....
Zombie Hunter
On your ceiling
Joined on 11/9/05