
64 Game Reviews

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Awesome Artwork!

Okay, the drawings were all outstanding, but it didn't really feel like a game. It was more of an "interactive flash'. The medals made it more encouraging to view all of it. Overall, it was programmed well, no glitches, awesome artwork and easy to earn medals. Next time, change it up to make it a game while still including the art.

JKAmovies responds:

I'll keep that in mind for next year ;)


Awesome :D

Great game! Full of horror, originality and it was a little funny too. Your style reminds me of Edgar Allan Poe's work, which makes me love it more! Here is mommy death is epic! The music's ok and I liked how the screen closes and opens into the next scene or area. I had to use the walkthrough in the end, it was pretty challenging. There's some minor glitches though. When I got 8 stones with the spider and the bee hive one left, I walked around a bit and it said I had 9 stones when I didn't do anything. So when I got the 2, I had 11? Also, there's some layer problems like in the stairs. Sometimes, you go under it, and sometimes over. Other than these, it was a really good game! I'm looking forward to number 2!


This has got to be the funniest game I've ever played! I like the impossibility of a shark being able to pull planes into the water. The graphics and sound effects were good and it had easy to use controls. Most of time, I couldn't stop thinking about the movie, "Jaws" but this was waayyy better. Keep up the crazy work!!

You will not believe how long I played this!

When I first read the title of the game, I was expecting another one of those "launch" games, but you proved me wrong! Yours was creative and just awesome!
The graphics were excellent and the gameplay was extra addicting with the medal system. This is definitely in my favs list! Anyways, keep up the amazing work!


Finally, a dadgame! The gameplay had easy to use controls and was hilarious. It felt just like watching the flashes :D The only critic I have to say is to improve on the graphics quality, it looks a little choppy, but other than that, you made my day!

Still loving it :D

This game, I remember playing it when I was 10! It's ironic how when he dies, he goes to HEAVEN. The hilarious gameplay and voilence?...Hmmm.. who can forget that?

OMG!!! 152 deaths

Who knew that directing an elephant to the exit could be so much fun!This was a
really unique game. When I read the title, I was expecting something else, but this was brilliant!

Holy S**** I played for 2 hours! Addicting game!

You're right! This game made me used parts of my brain that I've never used before! It has a very unique concept and it's really challenging. The music had a nice vibe and the gameplay kept me entertained for a looong time lol. The only thing I'd like to point out is that when it gets to the parts with the objects, it's really hard to make out what they are because the shape is too general(not all of them, just some). Overall, this is an amazing game! 5/5 10/10!!

Wow. This is epic!

This just isn't another "one of those RPG games" cuz yours was awesome! The graphics and characters were well-drawn and gameplay was relatively fun. The monsters kind of reminded me of Maplestory O_o Anyways...keep up the great work and congratz on the daily feature!

Hello there :D One day, when I don't feel like a lazy bastard, I will make something brillaint and it will become the next hit on NG...you just wait....


Zombie Hunter

On your ceiling

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